Divorce is a sin

Divorce is a sin

Don't be fooled. Divorce is s sin and it is the devils way of destroying a country. The home is a family, the family is the strength of a country. A country is well balanced if the home is well balanced. 


King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that makes ashamed is like rottenness in his bones.

The female partner in a marriage relationship. The origin of this God-ordained institution is traced back in the Bible to the Garden of Eden. Scripture stresses that marriage is a God-ordained institution, within which the husband should love and care for his wife, just as the wife should obey, honour and care for her husband. A good wife is portrayed as a great blessing, but a bad wife influences her husband for evil. In the OT, Israel is sometimes portrayed as God's wife; in the NT, the church is described as Christ's bride.

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