Unsubmissive Women

What's Happening to our Women?

Are you a Delilah or an Eve?
This in an insert from: 

Today, as married women, the society around us teaches us to be strong, independent and outspoken. We are told not to play second fiddle to any man. We are asked to “wear the pants” in the family and be supermoms who “do it all.” Yet, while “doing it all” may at first sound like a noble goal, we need to ask: For whom and for what are we trying to “do it all”?

As women who may often find ourselves over-committed with duties in the workplace and at home, we need to ask ourselves: Are we keeping our priorities straight? Are we putting God first, husband second, followed by others—and ourselves last? Read Proverbs 31:10-31 and Ephesians 5:22-33.

Read more:

Why have they become so UN-submissive?
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.
This is a serious statement. One needs to meditate on this scripture to find the true meaning.
Here is an in depth look at what Paul says in the Book of Ephesians about the Submission
Submission, The Biblical Mandate for the Christian Wife 
An insert  from the article reads:
The proper relationship of a husband and wife is typified in the relationship of Christ and the church.

God tells us that the man is the High Priest of the home.
Our marriage Covenant is the same as the Covenant Jesus made with the Church. It is unbreakable by man. God put it together and we swore with Him as witness, to Him, that even unto DEATH we would not get divorced.

What is the matter with us humans. How can we take such a thing so lightly? Have we completely lost our senses? Is that what we think of God's Covenant? Is that how lightly we regard His Word and His Witness in our marriage covenant with Him?

Obviously we have not "meditated" or taken seriously what this means. We need to make a concerted effort to study God's Will, to discover how He can motivate us to want to save our marriages. We take God's commandments to lightly. God warns us that no man must break up a marriage. That includes those who are actioning the divorce.

It cannot be done without God. Don't even try. Even Christian counsel often does not work because too many self centered people try to take God's Glory. I've heard Pastors say they have never failed in restoring marriages with their counseling methods.Oops, thats playing with fire! God should be glorified, not "self" ! What happened to honouring  God, and since when did we take over His role?????    


Unfortunately, more and women are becoming UN-submissive to their husbands. It is said that most women who have better jobs than their husbands have a tendency to "wear the pants". Power struggles are now a cool challenge for many women, and it's become part of their makeup.

"I earn more than you", "you don't have all the say anymore", "I want more power", says the women. Even the "saved Christian" women are becoming more dominant. Statistics show clearly that its easier for a woman to find work than it is for a man. So the woman is gradually fulfilling the role of the man. This has been the new trend since the "Women's Liberation" explosion back in the sixties.

The "converted woman" is likely to take offense to the fact that the man must rule in the home. This is exactly what satan wants. He wants division in the marriage and he will try absolutely anything to accomplish it.


  1. This is like using the Bible to condone slavery, racism & the hatred of homosexuals. But I'm guessing you're all for those things too.

  2. Hi Rachel,
    Thanks for your comment.
    This has nothing to do with slavery, racism, hatred or homosexuals. If God hates a "man to lay with man" it does not mean He hates them (I feel the same). God hates the sin in man, not man. However, we will be held accountable for our actions. There is and will be consequence for everything we say and do. Gal 6:7. God gave us instructions (some are commands) on how to live. He wants us to be disciplined and follow His guidance, not mans. Since Adam, man has failed.

    Women are an incredibly beautiful creation. Personally, I believe they are awesome and I thank Our Heavenly Father for them. Women should be treated as God says, like we would (or do) treat Jesus Christ. Women are precious.

    The world is soon to be judged. I say this because it is written in the Bible. We are warned by Gods Word that (amongst many other things) people will change. The signs are visible and some of my comments in this article refer to that.

    We are all in for an indescribable shock when we discover who and how great Almighty God is, and every knee shall bow down to Him.

    I hope you are not offended, and I pray God's Peace and Wisdom over you in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

  3. Hi my name is Mario I am a christian man
    my wife is a christian I have been in counseling. But everyday my wife attacks my man hood verbally she does not want me to visit anyone with out her being present she throw things in the house. I am faithful i am truely trying to find a answer too get out the marriage because of the verball and mental attacks because of her controlling way which turn to Ier yelling and threatening me i try to leave but she takes the keys I do not want the neighbors to think i am fighting her so the police was called and they told my wife that she can not control me she never lets go of the past if we are having any types of issues she brings them up with the new ones everyday I need a answer please I want a christan marriage not a uncomfortabke one she reads the bible but i need help.

  4. Hi my name is Mario I am a christian man
    my wife is a christian I have been in counseling. But everyday my wife attacks my man hood verbally she does not want me to visit anyone with out her being present she throw things in the house. I am faithful i am truely trying to find a answer too get out the marriage because of the verball and mental attacks because of her controlling way which turn to Ier yelling and threatening me i try to leave but she takes the keys I do not want the neighbors to think i am fighting her so the police was called and they told my wife that she can not control me she never lets go of the past if we are having any types of issues she brings them up with the new ones everyday I need a answer please I want a christan marriage not a uncomfortabke one she reads the bible but i need help.

  5. Hi my name is Mario I am a christian man
    my wife is a christian I have been in counseling. But everyday my wife attacks my man hood verbally she does not want me to visit anyone with out her being present she throw things in the house. I am faithful i am truely trying to find a answer too get out the marriage because of the verball and mental attacks because of her controlling way which turn to Ier yelling and threatening me i try to leave but she takes the keys I do not want the neighbors to think i am fighting her so the police was called and they told my wife that she can not control me she never lets go of the past if we are having any types of issues she brings them up with the new ones everyday I need a answer please I want a christan marriage not a uncomfortabke one she reads the bible but i need help.

  6. I was not really paying attention too the subject sorry to get off subject

  7. I was not really paying attention too the subject sorry to get off subject

  8. Rachel's comment hasn't aged well in the Era of red pills and MGTOW. hahaha
